- Open your resume file on your computer.
- Using “Save As”, save your resume as “text only with line breaks” (shown
in the drop-down menu in MS Word). Save and close the file.
At this point
your computer will warn you that the document may “contain features that
are not compatible with text only format. Do you want to save the document
in this format.” Click yes. Close the file.
- Now open the new text-only file.
- You'll notice that your original format has been altered. Some sentences
may be staggered, the font has been changed to courier, and any fancy
formatting has disappeared. Review your resume and replace all unsupported
characters. For example, bullets may turn into question marks; apostrophes
may turn into square blocks. You will need to replace these characters.
You can use an asterisk ( * ) to replace bullets. Clean up your resume
as needed.
- Save the file.
- Copy and paste your text-only resume into the box.